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Searched: firstname=*gina*

Found: 146 people

Name Department
Alghazwi, Gina Student - Graduate College
Anawis, Regina Student - Business Administration, College of
Armstrong, Reginald Student - Admissions and Records, Office of
Baker, Regina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Barrett, Gina Women and Family Nursing, Hospital
Barto, Gina Student - VP Undrgrd Affrs & Acdmc Prgms
Bates, Gina Student - Graduate College
Bell, Georgina Student - Business Administration, College of
Bestre, Camilia Aginaya Student - Nursing, College of
Bielkus, Regina Medicine and Medical Specialties - Rockford, Department of
Brock, Regina Disability and Human Development, Department of
Brown, Regina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Bryson, Reginald Psychiatry
Bucci, Gina Pediatrics - Peoria, Department of
Burrell, Gina Observation Unit
Caneva, Gina Student - Graduate College
Castillo, Gina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Cervantes, Gina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Choi, Gina Graduate Medical Education, Office of
Consolino-Barsotti, Gina Faculty Practice & Partnerships
Corbin, Reginald Administration, Physical Plant
Cuadra Martinez, Regina Student - Architecture, Design, and the Arts, College of
D'Anza, Gina Student - Education, College of
Daleiden, Gina Student - Nursing, College of
Dao, Regina Student - Engineering, College of
Davis, Regina Risk Management, Hospital
De Torres, Jepgina Patient Accounts, Hospital
Deloney, Gina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Dogeni, Regina Student - Graduate College
Douyon, Reginal Student - Graduate College
Enciso, Gina Institutional Research, Office of
Engel, Regina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Esperon, Andrea Regina Student - Public Health, School of
Ficaro, Gina UIC Law JD Program - Curricular
Fowler, Reginald Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Fox-Evans, Regina Ortho/Neuro Nursing, Hospital
Frangello, Gina Student - Graduate College
Garrett, Regina Oncology Nursing Services
Garthwaite, Gina Student - Applied Health Sciences, College of
Gebhardt, Gina Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine
Gerace, Gina Student - Engineering, College of
Gillon, Regina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Givens, Reginald Psychiatry - Rockford, Department of
Goetz, Gina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Gomez, Gina Social Science Research, LAS
Gomez, Gina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Gomez-Valdespino, Gina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Gordon, Regina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Grant, Gina Discovery Partners Institute
Guo, Georgina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Hanjrah, Sagina Family and Community Medicine, Department of
Harden, Regina Medicine Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine
Hernandez, Regina Student - Applied Health Sciences, College of
Hernandez-Mena, Georgina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Jefferson, Reginald Student - Engineering, College of
Johnson, Regina Dentistry Finance
Jones, Gina Alvarado Student - Medicine - Chicago, College of
Jones, Regina Oncology Nursing Services
Jones, Regina Campus Housing, UIC
Juliano, Gina Human Development Nursing Science
Kim, Reginald Student - Engineering, College of
Klejka, Gina Student - Graduate College
Koch, Regina Student - Medicine - Chicago, College of
Kondraros, Gina Student - UIC School of Law
Kostandy, Gina Student - Medicine - Chicago, College of
Kulys, Regina Social Work, Jane Addams College of
Laird, Regina Student - Continuing Studies, School of
Liu, Gina Student - Engineering, College of
Liu, Regina Student - Medicine - Chicago, College of
Lliguin, Gina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Lynch, Gina Student - Graduate College
Maldonado Luevano, Regina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Mancari, Gina Vice Chancellor for Advancement, Office of
Marquess, Gina Patient Accounts, Hospital
May, Gina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
McCormick, Regina JACSW Academic Affairs/Instruction
McHugh, Gina Administration, College of Medicine
Meier, Gina Library, University
Mercado, Regina Student - Graduate College
Migliore, Gina Student - Continuing Studies, School of
Miller, Reginald Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Miranda, Georgina Student - Continuing Studies, School of
Montealegre, Gina Student - UIC School of Law
Morley, Gina Pediatrics - Rockford, Department of
Muhammad, Aginah Excel Center
Murphy, Gina Student - Nursing, College of
Nowakowski, Regina Emergency Medicine, Department of
Orofino, Gina Student - Education, College of
Painter, Gina Student - Public Health, School of
Parra Hughes, Gina Student - Architecture, Design, and the Arts, College of
Pastores, Reginald Dwight Student - Dentistry, College of
Pehl, Gina Student - Engineering, College of
Pelayo, Regina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Pessagno, Regina Student - Graduate College
Price, Reginald Student - Business Administration, College of
Pricillia, Regina Student - Architecture, Design, and the Arts, College of
Qin, Gina Student - Medicine - Chicago, College of
Ragland, Gina Vice Chancellor for Advancement, Office of
Richardson, Gina Internal Medicine - Peoria, Department of
Rizo, Regina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Robles, Regina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Romero, Gina Surgery - CS, Department of
Roxas, Gina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Roy, Regina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Rudy, Gina Student - Graduate College
Ruffin, Reginald Campus Parking
Rushing, Regina Care Coordination
Sanders, Georgina Student - Business Administration, College of
Sandoval, Gina Respiratory Services , Hospital
Sawa, Gina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Serjanaj, Bergina Student - Business Administration, College of
Shin, Gina Student - Business Administration, College of
Shin, Regina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Simonsen, Regina Student - UIC School of Law
Sisodiya, Gina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Sissoko, Gina Psychiatry - CS, Department of
Smith, Georgina Student - Business Administration, College of
Smith, Regina Office of Sponsored Programs
Smith, Reginald Administration, Physical Plant
Solis, Regina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Sorrentino, Georgina Student - Medicine - Chicago, College of
Spada, Gina UIC Law JD Program - Curricular
Stafford, Gina Human Resources, Hospital
Stevens, Reginald Care Coordination
Stewart, Regina Nursing Resource Office , Hospital
Stoll, Gina Student - Applied Health Sciences, College of
Strauss, Gina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Superczynski, Gina Student - Nursing, College of
Sutor, Georgina OBFS - University Payroll and Benefits Services
Takamura, Regina Pharmacy Practice, Department of
Tate, Reginald Nursing Resource Office , Hospital
Tran, Gina Student - Graduate College
Travez, Gina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Ugarte, Regina Patient Accounts, Hospital
Valdivia, Gina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Vallarta, Regina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Valle, Gina Valle Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Vari, Gina English, Department of
Vasquez, Gina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Vega, Gina Student - Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of
Vozenilek, Gina Internal Medicine - Peoria, Department of
Walton, Gina Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine
Whitehead-Mays, Regina Medical Education, Chicago, Department of
Woods, Reginald Student - Medicine - Chicago, College of
Zaar, Gina Student - Nursing, College of
Zelle, Gina Student - Nursing, College of


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