Delegate authority liaisons can assign all liaison roles,
including adding and removing other delegate authority liaisons by using this application. Historically
Delegate Authorities were the unit's Dean, Director and/or Department Head (DDDH) and were assigned
at the same time when they were added to the DDDH listserv list. This is no longer the case. Delegate
Authorities need to be manually added to their unit by another Delegate Authority or by contacting
All units should have at least two Delegate Authorities assigned, one of which should
be responsible for the unit such as a DDDH. Please note anyone who wishes to be added to the DDDH listserv list
should contact
The Office of Public Affairs.
Delegate Authorities are added to a Delegate Authority listserv list which contains all Delegate Authorities assigned. Primary Delegate Authorities are added to an additional list only for Primary Delegate Authorities.
Delegate authority liaisons can assign all liaison roles, including adding and removing other delegate authority liaisons. See more...
Phonebook Contact liaisons maintain directory information for employees and the department in the UIC Online Directory in addition to directory data in Exchange/AD. See more...
REACH stands for "Resident Experts Are Convenient Help". REACH members are the designated technical contacts for each unit. See more...
Network Security liaisons are notified by ACCC Security group about vulnerable and compromised computers on departmental networks. See more...
Webmaster liaisons are web designers, communicators, and developers responsible for campus unit websites and web applications. See more...
EcoRep liaisons work within their campus unit to disseminate information on how to support sustainability initiatives on campus. See more...
Unit Information Security Officer (UISO) work with ACCC Security Office and the ITGC InfraSec Security Program committee on implementing the UIC IT Security Program on campus. See more...
System Administrator liaisons are the point of conact for various departmental services such as Virtual machines, Active Directory, and storage. See more...