Directory search
Campus Units Beginning with C
- CADA Student Affairs
- CAGIS Project (Chicago Area Geographic Information Study)
- Campus Advocacy Network
- Campus Architect
- Campus Auto Rental Service (CARS)
- Campus CIO
- Campus Housing, UIC
- Campus Learning Environments
- Campus Parking
- Campus Recreation
- Campus Research Board
- Campus Unions Building Operations
- CampusCare
- Cancer Biology and Pharmacology
- Cancer Biology, UI Cancer Center
- Cancer Center Sponsored Research, UI Cancer Center
- Cancer Genetics, UI Cancer Center
- Cancer Prevention and Control, UI Cancer Center
- Capital Planning and Project Management, Office of
- Capital Prgms/Real Estate Svcs
- Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory (Adult)
- Cardiology, Department of Medicine
- Cardiothoracic Anesthesia
- Cardiothoracic Surgery
- Cardiothoracic Surgery
- Cardiovascular Diag Services
- Cardiovascular Diagnostic Services
- Cardiovascular Nursing, Hospital
- Care Coordination
- Career Enhancement and Education, UI Cancer Center
- Career Services
- CAS Administration
- CAS Information Technology
- Catalog
- CBA Diversity and Inclusion
- CBA Office of Development
- CBA Online Programs
- Center for Biomolecular Sciences
- Center for Biomolecular Sciences
- Center for Clinical and Translational Science
- Center for Dissemination & Implementation Science
- Center for Global Health
- Center For Leadership and Civic Engagement
- Center for Literacy
- Center for Magnetic Resonance Research
- Center for Magnetic Resonance Research - 3T Program
- Center for Molecular Biology of Oral Diseases
- Center for MR Research
- Center for MR Research - 3T Program
- Center for Narcolepsy, Sleep, and Health Research
- Center for Student Involvement
- Center for Teaching Excellence
- Center for the Study of Learning, Instruction and Teacher Development
- Center for the Study of Social Policy and Research
- Center for Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration
- Central Information Services-Administration - Peoria
- Central Receiving
- Central West Case Management Unit
- CHANCE Program
- Chancellor, Office of the
- Chaplains
- Chaplains - Unversity of Illinois Hospital
- Chemical Engineering, Department of
- Chemical Safety - EHSO
- Chemical, Radiation and Research Safety
- Chemistry, Department of
- Chicago Center for Drug Discovery and Development
- Chicago Drug Discovery & Development/UICentre
- Chicago Service Center
- Chief Information Officer
- Chief Security Officer
- Children and Adolescent Center
- Children's Center
- Children's Center - West
- Children's Habilitation Clinic
- Chinese
- City Design Center
- Civil, Materials and Environmental Engineering
- Claims Management, Office of University Counsel
- Classics and Mediterranean Studies, Department of
- Classroom Technology Support
- Cleft Palate
- Clinical and Research Data Sciences and Dissemination, UI Cancer Center
- Clinical and Translational Science, Center for
- Clinical Engineering
- Clinical Engineering
- Clinical Engineering, Biomed
- Clinical Nutrition, Hospital
- Clinical Practice R and D
- Clinical Research Center
- Clinical Therapeutic Services
- Clinical Trials Office, UI Cancer Center
- Clinics - ASA
- College of Business Administration (CBA) - Dean's Office
- College of Medicine
- College of Nursing
- College of Pharmacy at Rockford
- Communication, Department of
- Communications - Nursing
- Community Engagement
- Community Engagement Health Equity (CEHE), UI Cancer Center
- Community Health Sciences
- Community Health Sciences, SPH, Division of
- Community Outreach and Engagement, UI Cancer Center
- Community Outreach Intervention Projects, SPH
- Community Relations - Peoria
- Commuter and Off-Campus Life
- Compensation
- Compliance
- Computer Center
- Computer Science, Department of
- Computerized Welding Laboratory
- Concrete Research Laboratory
- Continuing Education, Dentistry, Office of
- Continuous Quality Improvement
- Continuum of Care
- Copying Services
- Corporate MBA, CBA
- Correctional Medicine
- Corrosion Laboratory
- Council on Teacher Education
- Counsel's Office, University
- Counseling Center
- Counseling Service, Student Affairs
- CPVP or Cure Violence
- Craniofacial and Maxillofacial Center
- Craniofacial Clinic
- Craniofacial, Ambulatory Services
- Crawford Library of the Health Sciences
- Creative and Digital Services
- Criminology, Law, and Justice, Department of
- Crisis Hotline
- Critical Care
- Ctr Advcmt Teaching Excellence
- Cure Violence
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Customer Intake Center